My teeny tomato seeds are blossoming in the sunny window. Being new to gardening, I'll have to do some reading to find out when I should transplant them to the outside world. I'm hoping I have much better success than last year - I had purchased a tomato plant about 3 feet in height from the local nursery. I found out the hard way not to trust your petsitter to give your plants the same TLC you hope she is giving your pets! Anyway, we lost that one - but full of hope we'll see what this year's tomato plants give us! Also showing some green are the ten Arbor Foundation "treelings" I planted. I'm so excited about them - they were dormant for such a long time, I was getting worried...
Some farmers say wait til May-the last frost should be over by 2nd week of May and don't plant the tomatoes til they have at least 2 sets of leaves. You can put them outside when they get a little bigger, on a warm day - to harden them off- get them used to the great outdoors!!!!